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- Birchos HaShachar Bookmarks (MEN)
- Birchos HaShachar Bookmarks (WOMEN)
- Birchos HaShachar Page with Explanations (MEN)
- Birchos HaShachar Page with Explanations (WOMEN)
…Or create your own!
- Create Your Own Birchos HaShachar Bookmarks (MEN)
- Create Your Own Birchos HaShachar Bookmarks (WOMEN)
- Create Your Own Birchos HaShachar Page with Explanations (MEN)
- Create Your Own Birchos HaShachar Page with Explanations (WOMEN)
Wow, this is amazing. Tizku L’MItzvos. Do you offer transliterated for newly observant people..I’d like to recommend to my Partners IN Torah…
Hi wonderful the Birchos HaShachar Bookmarks, one question do you have it sefaradi or edot hamizrach format? If you want i can make it if you send me the beraja editable, its changing the order only. Thanks ant tizke lamitzvot.