
Visual designs that teach about Mitzvos, Halachos, and Middos

All Designs

Shofar Kabbalas Ol Malchus Shamayim bookmark for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur

Shofar poster and bookmark

Birchos HaShachar bookmarks

Birchos HaShachar Bookmarks

Responding to the Chazzan during Shemoneh Esrei

Halachos of Responding to the Chazzan During Shemoneh Esrei

Silence card

Silence card

Tevilas Keilim Animations and Games

Tevilas Keilim Animations and Games

Brachos Card

Brachos card

Modeh Ani + Morning Brachos card

Modeh Ani + Morning Brachos card

Preparing for Shemoneh Esrei (Bookmark)

Whats next?

Do you have an idea for what else you’d like to see? Let us know!

Ikar V'Tofel Chart

Ikar V’Tofel Chart

Muktzah chart

Muktzah Chart

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